Home Facts & Myths Learn the Difference Between the Symptoms of Psoriasis and Simplex Virus

Learn the Difference Between the Symptoms of Psoriasis and Simplex Virus

If you’ve noticed some skin sensitivity around your groin area you may be worried. Is it a normal skin condition? Or something more serious? Learn the difference between psoriasis and herpes simplex virus symptoms.

Herpes simplex is a viral infection received through contact with an infected person, while psoriasis is an inherited autoimmune disease. Typically, psoriasis skin symptoms manifest as flat patches of red skin. Sometimes there are silver scales. Herpes simplex, on the other hand, shows up as raised sores or ulcers.

While both can make the skin around it itchy and sensitive, psoriasis shows up on more parts of the body. Some of the areas of psoriasis infection can include: scalp, elbows, knees, palms, back, soles of your feet, and even your face. Herpes simplex, on the other hand, will only appear where you had contact with the infected person. Typically, that is the mouth or the genital area.

Psoriasis can also affect you in your genital area. Called inverse psoriasis, it can form in skin folds. It may look like red lesions that are smooth and dry. This may be confused with herpes simplex virus, except that genital herpes would manifest as sores not flat lesions.

Another key difference between psoriasis and herpes simplex virus is with herpes, you will usually experience flu-like symptoms during the first stage of an outbreak. People with psoriasis typically do not experience flu-like signs when their symptoms manifest.

Final Thoughts

The various skin conditions you can contract can get confusing. But, learning the differences can alleviate pain and stress down the road. Learn the difference between psoriasis and herpes simplex virus symptoms so that you know when to seek medical attention.