Home Precautions & Preventions What Does Molluscum Contagiosum Do to Your Skin?

What Does Molluscum Contagiosum Do to Your Skin?

Molluscum contagiosum is a generally harmless skin infection. It shares its name with the poxvirus that causes it. As a rule, it spreads through physical contact, but it can also live on some surfaces like linens and toys. Most often, this condition affects children aged 1-4.

The Symptoms of Molluscum Contagiosum

The main symptom of the infection is a rash in the form of lesions. In adults, they usually appear on the abdomen and the genital area. But in children, the rash will affect the limbs and the face. The lesions are either pink or white, with a dimple in the middle.

At first, the lesions will be very firm. But as the symptoms decrease, they will become much softer. Molluscum contagiosum usually won’t cause any sensation of the pain. However, like other rashes, it can sometimes be itchy. You shouldn’t scratch it though, as it might help it spread.

The Effects of Molluscum Contagiosum

Although often very visible, the rash usually won’t scar your skin. Furthermore, the condition tends to clear up on its own, so there may not be any need for treatment. In general, the rash can persist for up to a year. In some severe cases, it may take four years for your skin to recover. This has a lot to do with how strong your immune system is.

What You Can Do

The Molluscum contagiosum virus can survive on surfaces other than the human skin. There is thus little you can do to protect yourself from it. As a rule, you should avoid contact with anyone who has an infection. If your child has dermatitis, you must treat it; otherwise, they may be more prone to developing this condition.

You must also practice safe sex and take steps to boost your immunity. This includes eating healthy foods, engaging in physical activity, and reducing stress. If you notice the symptoms of the condition, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. They’ll run tests to see if it’s molluscum contagiosum.