Home Precautions & Preventions 5 Conditions You Shouldn’t Treat with Antibiotics

5 Conditions You Shouldn’t Treat with Antibiotics

Antibiotics can save lives.

However, the overuse of antibiotics has terrifying consequences. It leads to antibiotics resistance. Deadly bacterial infections could become widespread once again.

You also damage the useful bacteria in your body when you take antibiotics. Hence, you should avoid it whenever you can. Here are some of the conditions you shouldn’t treat with antibiotics:

1. Eczema

In most cases, antibiotics don’t provide relief for this skin disease. They can help treat eczema only if it comes with bumps and sores.

So what should you do to treat your eczema instead? Look into medicated creams and moisturizers.

2. Pink Eye

In some cases, this disease is bacterial and it requires antibiotics. But in other cases, it comes from a viral infection. You can also get pink eye from an allergy.

Widespread treatments include artificial tears. Cold or warm compresses can help too.

3. Sinusitis

Sinus infections are usually viral. Rinsing with salt water is a good way to treat this problem. You should look into antibiotics if the problem doesn’t go away within ten days.

4. Some Respiratory Infections

Strep throat is a respiratory disease that requires antibiotics. However, most coughs come from viral infections. The common cold and the flu are also conditions you shouldn’t treat with antibiotics.

5. Many Ear Infections

Ear infections are extremely widespread, especially among children. Newborns may require antibiotics to keep the infection contained. But children older than two usually don’t need that kind of treatment.

In most cases, ear infections go away within a few days. However, it is important to monitor the infection. You should seek out medical advice if the condition turns more severe.