Home Latest Research Can You Treat the Simplex Virus with Honey?

Can You Treat the Simplex Virus with Honey?

Honey has long been the go-to home remedy for a variety of health problems. This superfood has strong antibacterial properties that can sometimes outperform standard antibiotics. There don’t seem to be too many ailments that honey can’t treat. And according to extensive research, you may also be able to treat herpes with honey.

Body of Research

Several studies have examined the possibility to treat herpes with honey. The largest of them was first published in 2000. The authors took in 90 patients with genital herpes and split them into three groups.

The participants used topical acyclovir, propolis, or a placebo to treat warts and lesions the herpes virus had caused. According to the results, propolis had the strongest effect. Those who used it have recovered in full by day 10 of the treatment.

Another study also compared the effects of acyclovir and honey. The findings were similar: the treatment with honey delivered the results significantly faster. Further clinical research only reinforced these findings. It showed that propolis inhibits the virus and kills it, thus preventing it from spreading.

How to Treat Herpes with Honey

The Manuka honey from New Zealand is the best type of honey to use for herpes outbreaks. That’s because it is very rich in potent antibacterial agents.

As you may already know, eating just two teaspoons of honey each day can give your immune system a big boost. It will thus be able to fight infections and health threats more effectively.

But all these studies show that you can also apply honey directly to cold sores and blisters. According to them, you can use it up to four times a day, same as you would any medicinal cream. It should take no more than four or five days for the sores to go away.

Word of Warning

If you’re planning to treat herpes with honey, keep in mind that this is an experimental method. As such, you shouldn’t opt for it before discussing it with your doctor.