Home Precautions & Preventions How to Avoid Getting Herpes

How to Avoid Getting Herpes

Herpes is a silent epidemic sweeping the world. Moreover, it becomes more difficult when a person does not know they are infected. According to the CDC, an estimated 87.4% people in the United States between the ages of 14 to 49 have never received a clinical diagnosis of HSV-2. Statistics show that not enough people are doing what they can for herpes prevention. So how can you avoid getting herpes? There are a few steps you can take, but they involve you being proactive about your own health and safety.

Herpes Prevention

One of the best ways to avoid getting herpes is abstaining from sexual activity. There are a few ways to avoid infection if abstinence is not an option.

Correct and consistent use of latex condoms every time you have sex is a must to avoid getting herpes. You or your partner must use latex condoms even if there are no symptoms present.

This does not eliminate chances of contracting herpes completely. Herpes sores can be present in areas that the condom does not cover. Consequently, avoid having sex when there are sores present on you or your partner’s genital area. If there are sores present in your partner’s mouth, avoid oral sex activities to avoid getting herpes.

Being in a long-term, mutually exclusive relationship can lower your chances of contracting herpes. Regular STD testing and knowing your partner is infection-free helps lower your risks.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the only true way to avoid getting herpes is abstaining from activities in which you can be infected. That includes kissing and sexual activities. Otherwise, safe sex practices, such as using latex condoms and avoiding sex during outbreaks, reduce risks. Monogamous relationships also help lower the risks of contraction.