Home Precautions & Preventions Learn the Difference Between Scabies and the Simplex Virus

Learn the Difference Between Scabies and the Simplex Virus

Think you have scabies? Or, maybe it’s herpes simplex? If you are confused about the difference between the two, here is a brief outline. This is the difference between scabies and the herpes simplex virus.

Although both scabies and herpes are skin conditions, they couldn’t be more different.

Virus vs. Mites

Herpes simplex is a virus infection. While scabies spreads by little mites that burrow under the skin. Both are really contagious. When you contract scabies, they show up as a rash of little red bumps. The rash is the burrows made by the mites. Herpes, on the other hand, manifests as sores in the mouth or genital areas.

This means that herpes simplex virus demonstrates symptoms from the inside out. While scabies goes from the outside in.

Treatment vs Incurable

Another main difference between scabies and herpes is that scabies is curable. It only takes one treatment of prescription cream to get rid of scabies. Herpes, on the other hand, is incurable. You have it for life. Treatment for herpes simplex concentrates on managing symptoms, not eradicating the virus.


Scabies can occur anywhere in the body. And, they can move from one part of the body to another. That is why the prescription cream used to get rid of scabies is used on different parts of the body, and not just in infected area. Herpes, on the other hand, only occurs in the area that touched an infected person.

Final Thoughts

Though scabies and herpes simplex are both skin conditions, they couldn’t be more different. The main difference between scabies and the herpes simplex virus is that one is incurable, and one is treatable. If you think that you may have one or the other, it’s best if you talk to your doctor immediately. As both are highly contagious.