Home Facts & Myths Lower Risk of STD’s for Those Who Are Circumcised?

Lower Risk of STD’s for Those Who Are Circumcised?

The argument for and against circumcision is one that has been around for many years now. With new research, there may be information available to influence people’s decisions. There is evidence to suggest circumcision lowers STD risks.

The Original Purpose

The procedure’s original purpose was not scientific or medical. It began with religious and cultural beliefs. It was particularly prevalent in Aboriginal and Jewish communities around the world.

Over the past few years, many positive side effects have emerged from this practice. Some of these include a decrease in urinary tract infections. It also includes a lower risk of penile cancer. The most groundbreaking research though is in relation to the lowering of STD risks.

Does It Lower All Risks?

The old saying that nothing in life is certain comes into play here. There’s no 100% proof that circumcision lowers STD risks for all STD types. However, it has been suggested that men have less chance of contracting some of the common STD’s if they are circumcised.

The first is the Herpes 2 Simplex virus. This virus is the cause of genital herpes.

The second is the human papillomavirus, which is more commonly known as HPV. Cancer and genital warts are side effects of the virus. It is strongly believed that circumcision lowers the risk of contracting this.

It Also Lowers the Risk of AIDs

Some of the more extensive research has also shown that men who are circumcised are less likely to contract HIV. When pairing a heterosexual man with an HIV positive woman, they found that the circumcised male was up to 60% less likely to become infected with HIV.

In Conclusion

The research on whether circumcision lowers STD risks is something that could lead to more findings in the search for a cure in that field. In the meantime though, it’s important to realize that safe sex is still the safest and most assured way to protect yourself.