Home Precautions & Preventions What Causes Hay Fever Cough and How Can You Treat It?

What Causes Hay Fever Cough and How Can You Treat It?

Also called allergic rhinitis, hay fever happens when some of the many natural allergens enter our body and cause a reaction. It is very common and currently affects between 40 and 60 million Americans. However, because its symptoms are similar to the common cold, hay fever can easily be misdiagnosed.

In this article, we will be exploring what causes hay fever cough and what treatment options you may have.

Common Symptoms

As we mentioned before, hay fever shares many symptoms with the common cold, although it has some distinguishable symptoms you should look for. Here are the most common symptoms of hay fever:

  • Itchy and dry throat;
  • Itchy, red nose;
  • Cough that lasts for more than two weeks (or as long as you’re exposed to the allergen);
  • A runny nose and sneezing.

What Causes Hay Fever Cough?

Hay fever can be caused by a wide range of allergens from the environment. Seasonal hay fever which appears only at a certain time of year (usually spring) is typically caused by the following allergens:

  • Grass pollen (ryegrass, Timothy grass, Kentucky bluegrass);
  • Tree pollen (oak, maple, mountain cedar);
  • Flower pollen (dandelion, ragweed, and species without visible flowers).

Perennial hay fever which has year-round symptoms is often caused by household dust, pet dander, spores from fungus, and even cockroaches.

Treatment Options

Hay fever cough can be treated successfully with home remedies like a saline-based nasal spray, mint-based teas, hot baths, and drinking lots of liquid. Medical treatments usually include antihistamines or decongestants.

Final Word

If you were wondering what causes hay fever cough, we hope we have answered your question. Watch out for the most common allergens and contact your doctor if you notice any of the mentioned symptoms.