Bacterial Vaginosis: When Should You Visit Your Doctor?

Although there is a thin line between different infections affecting the female reproductive system, it’s important to point out critical indicators of each. If you have a feeling you could be having an infection and not sure about the symptoms, it is the time to visit your doctor.

So, When Should You See a Doctor?

Bacterial vaginosis has links to preterm labor, miscarriages among other pregnancy-related complications. Therefore, if you are pregnant and suspect you could have BV, it’s essential to consult a doctor. Prompt measures can reduce the risks of developing pregnancy complications. Also, it’s important to see your doctor as some home remedies are not safe during pregnancy.

Other than discharge and odor, if you experience a burning sensation when passing urine, it’s time to see your doctor. Some women may experience itchiness around the vagina which could indicate a different infection. Although these symptoms are rare among BV patients, it’s important to rule out other conditions and get prompt treatment.

Since most vaginal infections manifest with similar symptoms, you can’t be completely certain of the condition you have. Before taking on home remedies or over-the-counter drugs, you should get advice from your physician. Also, this will allow your doctor to evaluate your reproductive health and rule out other inter-related infections.

You should also see your doctor if home remedies have failed. Such could indicate the presence of additional infections.  Some conditions can mimic BV and if untreated can result in serious complications.

In every condition, you should know when to seek medical attention. This not only helps to identify the problem but also speeds up the healing process. Consulting a doctor is vital as different conditions can present similar symptoms making it hard to initiate self-treatment of bacterial vaginosis.